Portable GNSS Receiver Y1

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Portable GNSS Receiver Y1

Portable GNSS Receiver Y1. Very good condition, as new. Compact and versatile GNSS receiver suitable for a wide range of positioning tasks. Comes in a protective case with accessories for field use. Data sheet attached

Portable GNSS Receiver Y1|SingularXYZ|GNSS Single Frequency Receivers|No-Name

Very good condition, as new. Compact and versatile GNSS receiver suitable for a wide range of positioning tasks. Comes in a protective case with accessories for field use. Data sheet attached

Brand: SingularXYZ

Category: GNSS Single Frequency Receivers

Product: No-Name

Price: $2112


Brand: SingularXYZ

Model: Y1 GNSS Receiver, Data Sheet attached

Year of manufacture: 2023

Condition: Used

Last Calibration Date:


Made In: China

Usage: 1


Item Number:

Constellations: GPS

